Within Home Your Home Parish:
Participate in the study series on “Made in the Image and Likeness of God, a Pastoral Letter on Racial Harmony” by Archbishop Alfred Hughes.
Form a parish racial harmony ministry.
Encourage the members of the racial harmony ministry, DRE, school and CCD religion teachers to attend “Race, the Power of an Illusion” and “Made in the Image and Likeness of God, a Pastoral letter on Racial Harmony” offered by ACCP/ORE. Information is available from ORE or www.orearchdio-no.com.
Include a prayer for racial harmony in the Prayers of the Faithful at least once each month.
Personally invite people from different racial/ethnic groups to be actively involved in the parish life, e.g. pastoral council, finance committee, school board.
Partner with a parish with an ethnically/racially different population.
Put announcements of interest from partner parish in bulletin.
With Partner Parish
Examples of Joint Ministry Activities